That's it, you've finally decided to fix the little problem with your car or just do its maintenance? Great! Have you spotted a self-garage near your home? Perfect! All you have to do now is buy the products and for that you have several possibilities depending on the type of product or part you need and the budget you have.
Large surfaces
The shelves dedicated to car maintenance in supermarkets are generally quite well stocked. You will find many interior/exterior cleaning products but also everything you need to clean your car: coolant, engine oil, brake fluid, windshield washer fluid. There are often promotional offers on motor oils from major brands such as: 1 free 2L can for every 1 purchased 5L can or 20% on the 5L can. Some stores also offer some filters, gaskets, candles but you need to know the model you need beforehand. In terms of equipment to have in your car, they sell safety vests, jumper cables, bulb/fuse boxes, gloves...etc. You can also find your wiper blades (outside special dimensions) and battery prices are often very attractive.
Car centres
The Norauto, Euromaster, Feu Vert car centres offer a very wide choice of car products. You will find everything and above all quality tools. They really offer a very complete range of products in all fields: tires/wheels, routine maintenance, accessories... etc. at the same time, it's their job ! Unlike supermarkets, you can benefit from professional advice to guide you in your choices.
Dealerships have a workshop area where professionals can service your car and you can also purchase parts specific to your car model. We often hear rightly that it is more expensive to buy car products from the dealer. The price difference with other market players is partly explained by the fact that they sell OEM parts. Original parts also called first line parts are spare parts sold under the manufacturer's brand name and are normally identical to the original parts fitted to the car during its manufacture.
Second hand
For small budgets, it's THE good plan! See my article "How to reduce your repair bill" that you can read HERE, but you don't have to be in a hurry and if you have a rather rare car model because it will be more difficult to find the part you need. But otherwise it's really worth it on everything that's bodywork and optics. You can also buy a second-hand alternator or starter motor, for example, without any problem and save a lot of money.
You can find everything on the internet and in recent years, auto parts sellers have been flourishing on the web. You don't know anything about it and you're afraid you'll make a mistake in choosing the right parts? No panic! You enter directly the license plate of your dear titanium and you have the parts adapted to your vehicle. It is better to have some technical knowledge however not to forget to buy things.